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An Inspector Calls
1912 Class System
In 1912, London was divided in a class system. There was the upper class, middle class and the working class. The upper class made up 5% of Britain. They were the richest and owned practically everything. They lived in luxury and could easily afford everything.They had a good education and were involved in lots of leisure activities such as hunting, shooting and horse riding. In "An Inspector calls," they are represented by the Birlings. The middle class were the people who were doing okay and worked in offices. They probably had at least one servant and life was a lot better for them than the working class. The working class made up 80% of Britain but they owned very little. They worked in factories or shops and had very physical jobs. They led tough lives and barely had enough money to live. This meant that they lived on vegetables and grains like bread. They are represented by Eva Smith in the novel.